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Airdrop scam tokens

When using a Trezor hardware wallet to store your cryptocurrency, you may still be at risk of falling victim to an airdrop scam.

These so called “airdrops” happen frequently. However, most of the time they are scammers attempting to phish your account information. While it is true that sometimes airdrops are legitimate and can be useful, it is important to do research on these tokens to understand what is real and what is just another relentless scammer. 

Since version 24.7.X of Trezor Suite, scam airdrop tokens are blurred and sorted into their own "Hidden" section


A good rule of thumb is that if the token appears as a website address it is a scam. You have likely interacted with a DEFI smart contract as this is the most common way scammers can get your address. The scam attempts to get you to visit the site and connect your wallet where they can then gain access to your account and steal your funds. It is all under the guise that you have tokens worth a lot of money therefore, of course you want to sell them and get the money from a free airdropped token.  The site tries to get the user to export the private key by exposing the mnemonic seed phrase (and passphrase if enabled) or by interacting with a malicious smart contract such as unlimited token approvals.

Remember do not share your recovery seed with anyone else!
- We will never ask you to tell us your recovery seed, even if you're speaking with one of our customer support agents
- Never enter your recovery seed anywhere unless prompted by your physical Trezor device

However, since there is no other way to send the tokens to an exchange or wherever else they need to stay where they are. These tokens are visible in your wallet but stored on the blockchain, so they cannot do any real harm.

In the future, we will introduce the possibility to sort and favorite tokens, so you should be able to move it to the end of your token list so you do not have to see it. For now, unfortunately the only way to get rid of them is to move all your funds to a newly created account with a new address.

This is an issue with the ETH blockchain as it uses the same address for all transactions. So once your address is out there it is kind of like getting junk mail.

To protect yourself from airdrop scams, it is important to be cautious and do your research before participating in any airdrop or other cryptocurrency offer. Make sure to verify the authenticity of the airdrop and the company or project behind it, and never provide personal information or send cryptocurrency to an untrusted source.

Scammers might also promote fake airdrops or "bounties" that purport to be from legitimate companies or projects. If you participate in these fake airdrops and send your cryptocurrency to the wallet address provided, you will not receive any tokens in return and may lose your funds permanently.
If you require further assistance, please contact us via our chatbot Hal who will help resolve your issue.